National Treasures Book

Book Format Hardback
Pages 206
Dimensions 270 x 210mm
Price 22 euros
Produced by the National Treasures team, this beautifully-presented colour publication is the latest chapter in the National Treasures project. We asked the people of Ireland to rummage through attics and scour mantelpieces in order to uncover objects that say something about the history, culture and heritage of Ireland over the past 100 years. From a pair of Sonia O’Sullivan’s Olympic running shoes to a War of Independence grenade, the amazing response to the project revealed stories that were profound, entertaining, heartwarming and tragic. This book is the culmination of that campaign.
With a foreword by John Creedon, this fascinating publication reveals a selection of 200 diverse and fascinating objects that were unearthed by the project and presents them alongside the owners and the personal stories attached. The book, much like the project as a whole, reveals a unique crowd-sourced tapestry of modern Irish history, one that emphasises the voices of ordinary Irish people.
Your voices, your stories, your book, and an object to cherish in itself!
Ireland & NI
€35.00 + €5.00 P&P
UK & Europe
€35.00 + €8.00 P&P
USA & Rest of World
€35.00 + €15.00 P&P
National Treasures Poster

Size B2 Poster (500 x 707 mm)
Print Silkscreen
Price 20 euros
A B2 Poster illustrated by designer Jennifer Farley, this National Treasures poster celebrates some of the most iconic Irish objects in the hands of members of the public. Fun and colourful, it makes a wonderful addition to a home, a bedroom or even a classroom. It even fits an Ikea frame perfectly!
Ireland & NI
€26.00 (€20.00 + €6.00 P&P)
UK & Europe
€28.50 (€20.00 + €8.50 P&P)
USA & Rest of World
€33.50 (€20.00 + €13.50 P&P)