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Rabbit sale receipt.

"My father John Mc Hugh trapped rabbits during WW2 in Portnoo, Co Donegal and dispatched them to Dublin from Glenties Railway Station which is now long closed. I think that they were then sent to England. It was extremely hard work setting traps and collecting rabbits every day in all weathers, no quads then and everything had to be carried. He had to pay rent to landowners to trap on their property and he was bringing up a family with no dole. He saved enough money from a number of years doing this to be able to buy the first new Massey Ferguson Tractor in The Parish of Ardara, from Mc Mahons in Milford for 350 pounds and bought 15 more during his working life. He suffered badly from arthritis probably from all the wetting when trapping. "

Submitted by: GERALD MCHUGH