Ireland and Olive oil
"When I first came to Ireland from Lebanon in 1982, I searched in vain for olive oil* at supermarkets and grocery stores. Eventually I asked a store assistant for help. I was told that I could find what I sought at a chemist shop. Bemused by his answer I headed to the nearest pharmacy. I confidently entered the shop and made my request. The assistant handed me a tiny bottle containing a pale yellow fluid and said it costs £3.50. Shocked and disappointed I sarcastically enquired as to the use of such a precious substance. “Cleaning dogs’ ears” was his totally unexpected answer. Three decades on I'm happy in the knowledge that olive oil can be found readily all over this island. * Olive oil is produced by pressing the fruits of olive trees. These are highly revered by inhabitants of the Mediterranean region. They are long lived and produce a fruit that is part of the staple diet of the region. Its oil has many uses and benefits and even the stones are used to make fuel for home heating. Its branch has become a symbol of peace as it takes a long time and lot of care for a tree to start producing, activities that can only be achieved in times of peace. "