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Silver Cigarette Box

"The Object I’m submitting is a silver cigarette box that saved my maternal grandfather’s life. His name was Macca Powell, and he was the CEO of Mangan Jewelers’ in Saint Patrick’s Street Cork. In 1920 my Great Grandfather was chased though the store by the Black and Tans, he was shot at by them, and at one stage they shot at his heart, but he had a silver Cigarette box inside his waist coat, and the bullets hit the box instead of him and saved his life – a rare case where cigarettes are good for you! I also attach a picture of Macca’s Grandson Ronnie, (My Dad), on the roof garden of Mangans where he lived up to the age of 10 years. My Paternal Grandfather Harry started ‘Smith’s Stores,’ high class grocers which traded from 99 – 100 Saint Patrick’s Street Cork, where Gentlemen’s quarters are now. After the death of my paternal Grandmother Gladys, My Grandfather Billy moved in with his father in law Macca to live over Mangans, and he used to walk across Saint Patrick’s Street to work in his Shop Smith’s Stores! I hope that you’ll find this object of interest. "

Submitted by: Bill Smith