ICA Handbook
"This handbook reprinted in 1994, was a guide for Guilds and Federations in carrying out the work of the ICA in a business like and effective manner. The ICA was founded in May 1910 by Anita Lett in Bree, Co Wexford. The aim of the organisation was to improve the standard of life in rural Ireland through education and co-operative effort. At the time, life for women in Ireland was demanding and the ICA set out to offer friendship, hope, support and leadership. My grandmother was a member through the 1960’s and 1970’s and my mother through the 1980’s and 1990’s (Athlone Branch Westmeath Federation). They were proud members and reaped many benefits from their involvement. My mother died in 2015 and I kept her B Na T badge and handbook for historical purposes in acknowledgement of the role the ICA played in the lives of women in Ireland for over 100 years. The organisation is still active and works bringing women together in fellowship to develop and improve the standard of rural and urban life having due regard for Irish culture. "