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Irish Flag Flown to the Moon

"This is an Irish Flag that was flown to the moon on board Apollo 15 from Jul 26, 1971 – Aug 7, 1971 . I received it from Alfred "Al" Worden, Al was the Command Module Pilot for the Apollo 15 lunar mission in 1971. He is one of only 24 people to have flown to the Moon. Al never walked on the moon but instead stayed in the command module orbiting the moon while Dave Scoot and Jim Irwin walked on the moon. I met Mr Worden on a visit to the US and he gave this flag to me and inscribed the flag with "Flown to the Moon on Apollo 15, Al Worden Apollo 15 CMP". I also have a letter of authentication from Mr Worden stating the flag was flown to the moon and signed by him. It is cherished by me because an Apollo astronaut gave it to me and the fact this Irish flag has traveled to the moon and back makes it a lot more important to me. "

Submitted by: James McLoughlin