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Delivery Box from McCurtin's Shop

"This is a box from my grandmother's shop on Talbot Street, Dublin 1. Molly Curtin came to Dublin from rural east Clare in 1918. Initially she worked in her older sister's shop and then in 1926 she set up on her own first at no. 3 Westmoreland Street and then at no. 95 Talbot Street. Molly chose Talbot Street as it was convenient to Connolly Station making it accessible 'to women from the country'. Molly ran the shop here for nearly 50 years selling 'mantles and gowns' (wedding dresses were a specialty) all handmade by a team of seamstresses in a workshop to the rear. She finally retired when she was in her mid 70's. The 'deliver' to address on the box is very faint in the top right corner, a 'Miss Maloney' at a hotel whose name I can't quite read. About 10 years ago my brother spotted this box being used in a jewelry store in Dublin as part of their window display. He explained his interest in it and the shop owner let him take it away. It sits on a shelf in my parents' home now. I enjoy the connection it provides with our family history and I'm always amused that clothes I buy now, 80 years later are quite often delivered by a courier to my doorstep packaged in a brown card board box. "

Submitted by: Nessa Walsh