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AOFB gentleman’s silk handkerchief

"The Ancient Order of Froth Blowers was a humorous British charitable organisation that my late Dad, William Groves, was associated with. I found this silk handkerchief among his many souvenirs! The charity which operated from 1924-1931 fostered ‘the noble Art and gentle and healthy Pastime of froth-blowing amongst Gentlemen-of-leisure and ex-Soldiers’. It was founded by Bert Temple, ex soldier & silk merchant, to raise monies for the children’s charities of the surgeon, Sir Alfred Fripp. Membership cost 5 shillings and the order’s motto was ‘lubrication in moderation’- members frequented clubs and pubs to enjoy ‘beer, beef and baccy’ and were fined if they didn’t wear the uniform AOFB cufflinks for example- these ‘fines’ all went to the charity. Froth-blowing was blowing the froth off another member’s beer - sounds like great craic altogether! "

Submitted by: Alison G